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1 year ago
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We apologize first for the late update. We are working on the best quality for game, and it is currently taking time to redesign the map. we will update as soon as possible
2 weeks ago


📢 마라탕탕v2 , 한끼떡볶이v2 리메이크 작업중입니다! 많은 관심부탁드려요!
📢 We are working on a remake of Maratangtang v2 and One Meal Tteokbokki v2! Thank you for your interest!

hello. Welcome to K Food Group.
Our group is creating a game that lets you taste Korea's delicious food. 
Click on the experience and enjoy various experiences!

This game was created with inspiration from other restaurant games. 
Mala food and fruit candy are Chinese foods that are also popular in Korea.
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👋 안녕하세요 K-Food 입니다!
맛있는 한국음식을 먹을수있는 다양한 게임들을 출시 할 예정입니다. 
체험을 클릭 후 다양한 게임을 즐겨보세요!
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그룹 역할 설명

큰손 손님 / 후원자
대식가 역할 / 순위 10위 까지 지급
알바생/ 알바생 게임패스 구매자
단골 손님/단골손님 게임패스구매자
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마라탕과 탕후루는 중국음식이며, 한국에서 유행하는 음식입니다.
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버그 문의는 https://www.roblox.com/groups/33479907/K-Food-2#!/about


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