Fantasy Roleplay

Roblox Group

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13 years ago
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2 years ago
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1 month ago


This is a roleplay for EVERYTHING. You can be a fairy, a knight, a pirate, a wolf, anything you imagine. This Roleplay has gone through a lot of changes since its first creation, but it has still not lost the RP spirit it has had since the beginning. Occasionally this group will hold events of 'fandom rps' and the like, but the main roleplay is open to all and open-world. This Roleplay Group is not as active as it was before, but is still very active, so if you get overwhelmed very easily, this is not the group for you. 

To begin, follow (our admins don't really accept FRs) one of the many Legendaries we have or our two owners, DragonKun or Haozhan, and PM them a detailed description of your character. You will be ranked accordingly and will be free to jump in and RP when it is accepted and you send a request to join the group.

Important links (non offsite links this time, roblox hates us!): RULES -


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