𝗖𝗭𝗘𝗥𝗞𝗔 "Centuries of service" Czerka, at least in its earlier days, was widely known as a successful, if unscrupulous, corporation. unethical revenue-generating practices were tolerated, sometimes encouraged, by its sectoral officers so long as the flow of credits was uninterrupted and word did not leak out. Likewise, the politics of its customers were overlooked for the sake of lucrative markets. Also, as might be expected in such a corporation, rumors spread of profiteering; particularly that Czerka officials had allowed starvation of colonists when their high prices were not met. This distaste did not, however, compromise Czerka's income.. Owned by: Immortal_Conquest Primary Project: New York City Secondary Projects: Helldivers Universe Server: N/A