💎 | COMMUNITY GROUP: https://www.roblox.com/groups/33098876/No-not-the-new-ones-ha-ha-ha-we-are-the-new-ones#!/about 💰 | GAMEPASSES: Every gamepass in Legacy is free! You can get them by joining the group above! 🔥 | DATA: Your data is kept safe by us! We keep it stored safely so you can continue playing with it next reupload. ❤️ | EEVEE: For an Eevee, join the official Community Group, and then head over to the far right house in Silvent City and talk to the man inside. 💳 | CODES: For all codes in Legacy, join our official Community Server below, or it can be found at a (.gg/rorianstudios) 💬 | TAGS: Pokemon, Pokemon Brick Bronze, Project Bronze, Project Brick Bronze, Project Pokemon, Pokemon Brick Bronze, Project Ultima, Pokemon, Pikachu, Project Bronze Forever, Project Pokemon, Project, Pokemon, grand obsidian reforged, bronze legends, bronze reforged