。Torikkī Tērā 。 Congrats, you found the original(s). Here I draw and upload outfits of various characters from varying series. My items may be used for any and all on-site games/graphics, HOWEVER, you are NOT permitted to copy, edit, or reupload any of my works without my explicit permission. All items within the group's store are the product and creation of solely me. If there is an exception with any item, it will be explicitly stated in the description. My items may not be stolen or claimed via false DMCA, I am the sole creator and source. *WALL OF SHAME* Following this you will find a growing list of those who have plagiarized my works for personal profit, and done so ineptly enough to catch my eye. Make your own art and assets--it's rewarding, and ultimately wouldn't you rather be able to make exactly what you'd like to see than rely on others to create it later? Just don't be lame. - ReaperMarkoo, clipsqued, Demoniology, 0parkiller0, lovelyday, Dukavo, AeroMena(...)