🎅 Welcome to all hearts foundation! Here we support and show kindness to one another! Created by Billy and Bob! 8/20/17 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~🎅 RULES : https://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=223934959 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 🎅 We do quests and with these quests you can earn robux! We also do giveaways and competitions! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~🎅 Learn more about quests,giveaways and competitions here! https://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=223909850 To redeem your reward (robux),which you can get from doing quests,competitions or giveaways, you'll need to send a message to me or iconiclaurie with evidence (a picture) to redeem it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 🎅Here at All Hearts Foundation we do quests that revolve around kind activities and for each quest you complete you'll ### ######