☆ Welcome to Maniac Mania UGC! ☆ ▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰ Maniac Mania UGC is a store founded by Mania5K & iXcaliber. ▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰ We promise to push out nothing but high quality UGC and Clothes for our community to enjoy. Suggestions and feedback are always appreciated, thank you for stopping by! ▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰ NOTES: This is our first time modeling, organizing, and doing a lot of things on our own. So please bear with us, we are a small team, so we do expect patience. Please make sure to join the community server for releases, information, suggestions and more. ▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰ Inv code: bV38YbXyMH