Welcome To Eunoia Dance Academia . . " . . Let your passion for dance lead you to the rhythm of life . . " This is a permanent and professional team ! We attend competitions , we have many alliances, and we are also looking for team members. If wanting to tryout, please add one of the owners, do NOT add the Group Holder account! You could also ask on the group wall for questions, comments, concerns, etc. Thank you for joining Eunoia Dance Academia . RULES : No arguing No spamming No advertising WINS SHOWING . . ----------------------------------------- COMPETITION COUNT : 1 Group Wins : 1 Trio Wins : 1 Duo Wins: 1 Solo Wins : 1 OVERALL COMPETITIONS WON : 1 MADE . . 5/2024 EASTERN TIMEZONE CREDS : Founded by Rayne and Gabby Description made by Gabby Uniforms made by hollystar GFX Logo made by tas Funds from Rayne