|Welcome to the clothing group| |Try one of my clothes in store to support DS| |Promotion: 1. Interstellar - 1 shirt/plants| |High-end quality clothe| |1 or more clothes are going to be upload per weekend| Rules: 1. No begging for rbx 2. No scam links on DS |every Saturday there will be Q&A, you can ask any question you want too, and I will post on shoutout and after that you will be given 5 Robux| |People ask me about Q&A| 1. Smiley 2. OldFatherTravis 3. 732x63✅ 4. salty_onee 5. Chickennuggets✅ 6. Ezranoob19✅ (I might want you ask that question cause I couldn't memories all) Top Buyers :} (the amount of rbx they spend here) 1. 👑Mr_boogie👑 - 20 2. 732x63 - 15 3. Nothere111 - 10 4. Faithrbxx - 10 5. Ezranoob19 - 10