Thundercat crew

Roblox Group

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9 months ago
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4 months ago
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2 weeks ago


Welcome to the thundercat crew! A place to hang out and we might release some games in November. Here are the rules: A rule: don't talk about 🏳️‍🌈 or 🏳️‍⚧️ as it can cause arguments. A rule: don't bully, as this will end you up in the ban room for a day. Another rule: don't swear, this will end you up in the ban room for a week. A rule: no racism, this will lead to a serious punishment. Another rule: NO promo, it will lead u in the ban room for a day. Another rule: do not commit threats or cyber bullying, or it will lead you to a permanent ban. ANOTHER rule: don't abuse short term bans: or it will lead you to a permanent ban. Last rule: no begging, u will have a warning. And once u do it again, u will get banned for a day. Please read these rules and have fun!


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