The Niko Clan Reborn group is clan that mainly focuses in the game called: "Creature Chaos" it is a PvE build to survive type game, but we take things to the extreme making amazing builds and fighting in mass groups, it's a lot of fun. We are constantly growing and we even have our own game which resides our glorious Royal Palace which stores all our riches and golds... The way to rank up is simple, start as a defender and climb the ranks by activity until you reach Master Defender, then you will be able to choose one of two regiments, Scout Rangers or Shield Rangers both with different purposes. Elite Squads are try-out only, whilst achieving commanders or Minister are chosen by the entirety of the group. Within a short period of time you may be able to lead your own regiments or have a good place in this group, get involved, come and play! Code Pink: Change Server Code Black: King is dead Code Blue: Retreat to safety Code Green: All soldiers charge Code Yellow: Group up on king