Group made by: Pockyxfan22alt 🎄🎅🏻 ⚠️ ally request if you’re also an anti-con group ⚠️ GOAL: 1000 members 🥛🍪 RULES: No spamming No advertising Be kind No drama Break the rules and u get muted READ BEFORE JOINING: This group is an ANTI-con group, that means we want to make roblox a better/safer place especially for kids by reporting and taking down these nasty games/groups etc. we also want to wipe out the entire community for good What are c0ns ? They are weird games on roblox that weird people make to do weird stuff in that breaks the roblox rules. ⚠️ If you want to get ranked up, you have to earn it by being active in the group and reporting c0n groups etc, ( it matters how much stuff u got deleted too) then add the owner/vice president How do we advertise?! We advertise by posting the advertisement and the group link on con groups/advertisement groups If you do c//ons quit and do something with ur life 🎅🏻🎄🍪🥛