ROBLOX POLYNESIAN COMMUNITY - We welcome everyone !!! - New Zealand, Australia & America Based. (Oceania) 🇹🇴🇼🇸🇨🇰🇫🇯🇳🇺 🇳🇿🇦🇺🇺🇸 #POLYMOVEMENT #GLORYTOGOD🙏 @neverpeluroblox 🌐📱(kokus & buddy make the clothing) EST 3/07/24 Leader role are the Leaders. (We are not a gang) GROUP ID: 34553378 ✏️Rules: 1. What happens on Roblox stays on Roblox. 2. Do not advertise anything not related to the Group. 🎮Games: Fight in a school The Streets Dress to impress Spray paints/tags: 75704992500627