⚠️ "Unusual Script Builder" adheres to Roblox's TOS for fair play. Players need to follow community standards. The dev assumes no responsibility for player actions. Keep out community enjoyable. ❕ More information/Whitelist you can find in UnusualSB server 🔰 Rules: 1. Follow Roblox TOS 2. Abusive GUIs are prohibited. 3. AntiKick is allowed, but not recommended. 4. Jumpscares are prohibited. 5. Banning or kicking people is prohibited. 6. Abuse is prohibited 7. Serverlock is prohibited. 8. Map change is prohibited. 9. Abusive scripts are prohibited (Skidded Edits, Server Destroyers, Lag/Crash Scripts, etc). 10. Admin scripts are prohibited. 11. Logging is prohibited 12. Server shutdown is allowed, but only in emergency situations. 13. False reporting is prohibited. 14. Self-promotion is prohibited. 15. Scripts that cause epilepsy are prohibited.