Great Western Railway |

Roblox Group

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7 years ago
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4 months ago
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4 days ago


update as of 31/7/23:

despite there being a farewell tour, i never really had a chance to thank all of you guys for joining. this group was mainly rough and development was... questionable as you all know. this group was sort of my first shot at making anything transport related and i was barely familiar with studio at the time, so things did look VERY strange.

so for the future: GWR is obviously never coming back. the concept of making a roblox TOC group is somewhat dead nowadays. most that still exist are either dead or are just floating about as regular transport sims. 

i personally have moved to ro aviation, and while i dont own an airline, i do work as a high rank and even developer at a fast growing Ryanxair group. 
if you do want to continue supporting my work, then i suggest checking this airline out:!/about

thank you all for everything, despite my capabilities at the time being rubbish.


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