R$ Rebirth

Roblox Group

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7 years ago
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4 months ago
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4 months ago


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I will be giving out some robux soon! Make sure to follow me to be able to win, I just have to wait for the pending robux!
4 years ago


This group is not a scam... It is to fund those who need it. There is not many left of these groups because the owners get greedy and take it all. I promise you that will never happen with my group. How it will work is people will donate R$ (through donation T-Shirts) and the people who signed up for R$ will get amounts. Depending on supply, giveaways will usually be monthly or weekly. If you can, please visit a site like oprewards and get some free R$ there to donate. It would really help the group. Everyone who donates will get a rank for helping the community :) I promise this group will NEVER go bad! <3 Ranks: UvGLLe on google link shortener Dice cord: J6SfvNW Sign ups are on the Ranks document.


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