Hey welcome to Roblox i sell a lot of clothing Donator rank - Buy one t-shirt/pants/shirt if you do tell me Info about giveaways: In giveaways you got to do what i say on the wall/shout to join it Custom shirts/pants - To get your own custom shirt you got to buy one of my shirt/pants and when you do tell me and also tell me what you want on the shirt/pants example: A black shirt with pockets and a picture of myself please don't advertise your own stuff also these are my friends groups: https://www.roblox.com/groups/4386348/SledgeRammers-fan-group#!/about https://www.roblox.com/groups/5113538/Fan-Group#!/about https://www.roblox.com/groups/5696276/Scars-Glitches#!/about