Owner/Co-Owner: Jared060 Leader: None Captain: None New Discor Server: udSzD5u Group Founded Date: 26/12/17 ►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄ Clan Founded Date: 23/1/18 ►Duel◄ ►Zeta Sport 3-0◄ =|Butterfly Community Rules|= -|Respect Other Teams|- -|Respect Memebers and Fans|- -|Respect Everyones|- -|No Abuse Lenguaje|- -|No Inappropriate Content|- -|Be Happy|- Guys, for all those who want to enter the team they need to make a format application that I will add soon and there will be a series of questions about how they are in the game example: their skills, how long they have been in the game and all that, but for that they will need to have a discor account since there they will have to send me their application so that I can take them into account and so I can give them a day to do the tests to enter the team and if they approve all that, they will approve in the team and they will be accepted