crásh we design unisex clothes this means we sell clothes for both genders. [APPLICATIONS] Go to the kord to apply for Manager | Model | Sales Associate | Designer If you want to see any designs similar to your style feel free to comment and describe it on the group wall. We are currently looking for a new designer to keep up the outfits Message unsov if you qualify. Our clothing is unique and suited to everybody's style we don't focus on one style. Anyway most of our clothes are 5 robux. After summer has passes our clothes will increase to 7 robux. if you buy an item of clothing comment on the group wall and a admin will check your inventory. Keep your inventory off private for the next 2 days so we can verify what you have bought. Becoming a regular will ensure connections to designers and you can work for this group if you desire in the future. Nothing is impossible. We also advise you to follow roblox guidelines , no misleading links or advertising on the group wall.