!!welcome!! !! . this is Bloxburg builds, we’re we can build houses for a reasonable amount of cash! . !! !! . rules: Please do NOT advertise on our group. ! * - I trust the people in the " BESTIEEEE " rank to manage whilst I’m offline. !! *- !! Please be positive , no arguing about payments ect. !! *- _____________________ notices. | | v !! The prices for the build are what they are, the bigger the house, the more detail the more it’s going to cost you. !! !! If you argue you will be kicked for 2 days until either apologised or have payed the payment . !! !! Payments are in bloxbucks, the cash you earn in bloxburg. This should be given before the build to ensure there is NO scams. !! ———— (If you’d like there to be giveaways, please purchase a gamepass! ) ( the applications I cannot see in game, please buy the gamepasses for ranks! X ) ( if you’d like to be staff please say in chat and I’ll rank you! Thanks!)