Founded:January,22,2018 by OhNoItzChoco ▬▬ Motto: "Taking Stars and putting them into the light!" "Skate till you can't break" "You lift weights? We lift people!" ▬ All Classes are est which is Eastern Time USA. ▬ Starlight is a very Unique group! We offer Figure Skating, cheerleading, swimming, and diving! ▬ Motto: "Taking Stars and putting them into the light!" "Skate till you can't break" "You lift weights? We lift people!" ▬ Fun Facts: -Urban dictionary defines Starlight as a term used to describe someone so perfect, they're out of this world- *3/12/18 reached 1OO members* ▬ We create our own unique animations to ensure you get the most realistic experience possible. There are three divisions so you can focus on what you are the greatest at and improve on you're worst while learning new skills! ▬ Join Our group to begin you're journey as a Starlight team member!