Welcome, we have videos, text-help etc. to teach YOU to script! Learn scripting, building, Lua and become a good scripter or builder! We show how to build and how to script! *This group is a pass for asking questions* Directory: PHIL528: Scripting questions, how to get help. Cryptographed: Rank up tests GingerBiscuit99: Complaints, comments. (Sorry, we do not private teach, we try to make lessons standard, in simple chapter format to be able to help everyone!) Scripting and building are two different paths in our group, but you can always go back to the other. We mainly teach scripting, but we teach standard building. For scripting, we teach up to tables, arrays, in pairs, how to use arrays with for loops, like for i=1, #variable do, and something like how var[i] can = 1, or 2, with looping. ***GETTING HELP: Youtube search: Roblox scripting club! Watch chapter 1 - 4***