welcome to my group guys if you can see that is me with 0_0. we are a growing group with over 3k members now! we give the most recent info of 0_0 and skywars! Also if you have any questions about anything type in the comments and me or my co owner will try to respond! Anyways thanks for joining if you haven't already and make sure to donate so we can do giveaways and have lots of fun :) -----------Rules----------- - Don't spam - Don't beg for robux - Don't abuse ranks (only applies for admin or higher) - Don't beg for friend requests or followers -----------Ranks----------- - Member (a fan or waiting to get ranked up) - Obsidian Member (a friend of ours or someone who is important to our group) - Admin (Administrator can only get by gaining me or the vice owner's trust) - Obsidian Knight (a very well respected member of our group) - Obsidian Librarian (the person who will inform you about skywars) - Co-Owner (a head administrator sadly you cant get this rank) - Vice-Owner (solarey)