A group that makes games, makes clothes and a place where you can talk to others. (If you purchased something in the catalog from here then sometimes its good to say so in the group wall because the bigger the group get the harder to keep up) Donations: if you buy a donation shirt of 100 robux, you will get a donator rank if you buy a donation shirt of 1000 robux, you will get a group shoutout, donator rank, and a follow from me rules: dont spam dont promote other groups dont promote other games dont ask for robuck Ranks: Noicers: members mute/bots: spammers/bots and just people not allowed to talk. Roblex Friends: Roblox friends Purchaser: People Who bought clothes Donator: People who helped fund the group Friend humans: friends Second in charge: Co-Owners Owner: Main clothes and Game maker and other stuff