Tactical Enhancements

Roblox Group

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6 years ago
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2 years ago
Stats Updated
11 hours ago


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17k members! Congratulations T.E community, what a milestone!
3 months ago


Welcome to Tactical Enhancements!

For those looking for the duty kits, roblox experienced a bug recently that pushed them to the last pages of the store. You can find them easier here: https://www.roblox.com/catalog?Keyword=duty&Category=1&CreatorName=Tactical+Enhancements&CreatorType=Group&salesTypeFilter=1

Small recap on the group rules:

1. Respect everyone. Hate speech and/or discrimination is not welcome here. Everyone has a voice and should be allowed to feel safe to be in our environment.

2. Foul language is not permitted. This includes bypasses and implications.

3. Advertising is not permitted. You may provide a link to items others have requested.

4. Spam is not permitted, this includes copy pasted site-wide messages.

5. Keep political and/or controversial discussion in direct messaging. You're entitled to your own beliefs, but we do not want unnecessary fights.

My upload schedule is not consistent. Be prepared to wait for releases.

Thanks everyone!


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