💎Get The Cool Merch💎you can find our whole merch store by clicking "store" tab :D Coolest😎=Joined the COOLEST group 😎Coolest player alive 😎=Bought I Merch ⚜️Admin/Moderator⚜️ =Sometimes advertise this cool group and Tell people warning if breaking the Rules. ✨V. I. P COOL😎=Bought ## Merch 💎Super Cool💎=Bought ## Merch 💯😎Legendary Cool💯 =Bought All Merch (except the donation t shirts) 👑💎Mythical COOL💎👑=Bought any Big Donation T Shirts ⚠️Rules⚠️ -No Begging for robux -No Advertising Other Groups -No Spamming -No Bullying -Follow All Rules Breaking of any rules may result of being kicked of the group Note:Any Purchase will immediately be Ranked Up