Prime Football League

Roblox Group

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13 years ago
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1 month ago


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Just in case any of you forgot, the Season 4 Hounds were the best team of all time. But seriously, hope all is well. Keep in touch. I'd be willing to have a snap group.
1 year ago


[Prime Football League] (founded 10-23-2011 and ended in February 2016

Description: This was a classic football league (Non-Power Ball). We were the longest running football league on all of Roblox, running for nearly 5 years. History: From humble beginnings, PFL was created by stowawayboy and slowly began to grow. In the first season, there were less than 50 active players. A few years later, there were more than triple that. But as is life, all good things eventually come to an end. PFL started to lose more and more active members as people lost interest in classic football and in Roblox itself. After a few commissioner changes, and hardly any games played over a period of almost a year, 2x commissioner, vuki83, decided it was best to put PFL to rest. After nearly 5 years of football, one of the greatest leagues in the history of Roblox had ended. 

Official Website: primefootballleagueDOTw33blyDOTcom


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Created with Highcharts 10.3.3Chart context menu?New MembersNov '24Dec '24Jan '25Feb '25Mar '25Nov '24Jan '25Mar '25Ma…-101-221w1m3mAll

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