The Archdiocese of Roblox

Roblox Group

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6 years ago
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The Archdiocese of ROBLOX is a Catholic community founded by the Most Reverend Archbishop Francois LeMont and Bishop Matthew Balkus in order to serve Jesus Christ on this website. Its jurisdiction contains all of ROBLOX and is open to any devout soul looking to deepen his/her faith in a unique, virtual way. Our mission is to labor to engage the modern world through the use of this digital platform to evangelize and live as witnesses to the Holy Gospel of Christ and of His one, true Church, the Holy Roman Catholic Church. Let it be known that the Archdiocese of ROBLOX operates in absolute independence, and only pledges its fidelity to His Holiness, Pope Francis. All virtual Sacraments are invalid in real life and only serve the purpose of sparking meditation and inspiring to receive the Sacraments in real life. ANNO DOMINI MMXVIII (2018)


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