The Jedi Order | Consulars

Roblox Group

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5 years ago
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Welcome to the Jedi Consulars. 

If you make it to the 2nd rank in this group, you get force rage for free in-game. At the 3rd rank, you get +30 max force.

Consulars are Jedi who focus on using the force and studying the history of the galaxy. They are wise and knowledgeable Jedi who are experts on lore and the ways of the force. They prefer to use wisdom and intellect to solve problems instead of brute force.

This group is best suited for people who know a lot about Star Wars lore and the extended universe and who like to use the force.

This group has unique robes that are free in-game or can be bought in the group store. 

This group was created on the 8th of July, 2018 by Askavix. This division is a combination of what use to be Lorekeepers and Forcemasters.

The Help & Guide for this group can be found:


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