Vanilla Bunilla's Fan Club! Welcome Pocky Clan! **In order to prevent issues with spamming the group is set to join requests. We will accept these as frequently as possible!!!** ||| Negativity is NOT allowed on our group wall. ||| This is not a trading group do not trade on our group wall ||| All rules from the Vanilla Bunilla Chat apply here as well ||| English Only. 90% of our staff is only fluent in English ||| No advertising others groups, channels, or anything else of the sort this will resort in being exiled ||| No spamming, or chat bypassing ||| Be kind to EVERYONE in the group. If you have issues with another user or staff member contact me or an admin FAQ I do not accept friend requests, gifts, and do not do collaborations unless I contact you first. You cannot have mod you have to go through the application process when they are available I do not play one on one with viewers