Lovecraftian Order

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H.P Lovecraft Universe. (Send Ally Requests to Rylehian Nobility)

(Public Domain and adjusted to fit ROBLOX's Terms of Service)

In the God-Kings court, there are a select few whose fanatical devotion and worship is so great that they received a "Great Blessing" from the Great Old Ones, and had their bodies remade in its image – a twisted amalgam of flesh, teeth, eyes, and tentacles to a "comprehensible" form unlike previous failed attempts. While this "Great Blessing" gifted them a new form that ascends them beyond humanity, it has turned them into something so unrecognizable and repulsive that it scares away any petitioners and scholars just by the sight of them.

They hide their new and hideous forms underneath luxurious ritual cloaks and are almost never seen outside of the blasphemous Ancient City of R'lyeh.


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