👾 Welcome to my Group! 👾 This group is being owned by a (former) roblox youtuber BlueMelodyShine RBLX For everyone's sake, we need to make few stuff clear: 💙RULES💙 ~ Don't ask for robux ~ Don't spam ~ Be nice to everyone <3 💙RANKS💙 Melody - Owner of this group Admin - Trustful people who take care of the group Youtuber - Be a famous youtuber Friend - Only Melody's friends can get this rank Merchandiser - get seen by Melody while you're wearing merch! [Meaning you have to buy merch and wear it] Super Fan - Be an active fan [join in games or be active on social media] Fan - Automatically when you have been accepted to this group Q: What can I do in this group? A: You can chill, answer the questions of the day, talk to people, be notified of stuff for example to have a chance to be in my videos Personal information about me can be found on my profile! Social media of me: Twttr: @BlueMelodyShine gram: @bms .rblx Yt: BlueMelodyShine RBLX