8/16 Release Notes 📝 ❇ The Spa Bathrooms are now in New Royale High! I'll give no spoilers.. Go explore! and click EVERYTHING! 🎆 ❇ The Enchantress Royale High Toy is in stores now! Learn more where you can get her here! 💖 https://www.roblox.com/toys ❇ A callmehbob toy is found in Series 2 Mystery Boxes in the same isle you get The Enchantress! ❇ New Bathing suits to wear in the spa! ❇ Disney Princess Outfits! ❇ Temporary Lobby max players have been increased to fix long load times ❇ Lighting has been brightened, including in sleep position ❇ All realms now have wings + skirts + inventory update (in new servers) ❇The inventory glitch is fixed! Equip missing items from the lobby to fix your inventory! :D Builder & Director: callmehbob Main Scripter: Ironclaw33 Graphics Designer: Closet_Skeleton Second Scripter: Ice7 Game Icon Credit: Itzyogirlashly