⭐️ Hamilton Set Theatre ⭐️ ★ Founded by Muffie and Ori ★ Logo edited by Muffie ★ Morphs by April and Bunny ✨ Check our games for the Disc! ✨ ⭐️ Important Notes ⭐️ ★ There will are III casts. Once you have auditioned, you will be assigned to a cast where Muffie and Ori think is suitable for you. ★ Auditions/Interviews when we need roles. ★ Only cast members and staff are allowed backstage unless there is no rehearsal/show/practice. ★ Please respect everyone with kindness, including staff. ⚠️ If inactive, please don't audition or your role will be lost. ⭐️ Join for more updates! ⭐️