🔹 Welcome to Fab-u-lous Clothing & Co 🔹 - Owner: Protoism 🎇 - everyone who buys any amount of items gets promoted to vip :) 💸 - Stop asking for robux unless you wanna be kicked! 🦶 - No hate speech 💬 - Keep it PG 🔞 _________________________________ 🥇 Achievable Ranks: Spirit 🙏🏻 50+ Clothing Purchased! Angel 👼🏻 25+ Clothing Purchased! Demon 😈 10+ Clothing Purchased! Ghost 👻 5+ Clothing Purchased! v i p 🥰 1+ Clothing Purchased! ( Disclaimer: these ranks will only be available once i go over 1+ clothing, 5+ clothing etc.... then they will be available! )