Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry is a British wizarding boarding school teaching the magical arts, located somewhere in Scotland. Headmaster - Professor Magic Deputy Headmaster - Head Of Gryffindor - Head Of Hufflepuff - Head Of Ravenclaw - Head Of Slytherin - Sophieluvlok101 Subjects: Alchemy - Ancient Runes - Arithmancy - Astronomy - COMC - Charms - DADA - Divination - Flying - Ghoul Studies - Herbology - History of Magic - Muggle Studies - Potions - Transfiguration - Sophieluvlok101 House Points Gryffindor - Hufflepuff - Ravenclaw - Slytherin - Extra Curricular: Librarian - Caretaker - Grounds Keeper - Head Boy - Head Girl - Prefects: Gryffindor - Hufflepuff - Ravenclaw - Slytherin - Quidditch Captains: Gryffindor - Hufflepuff - Ravenclaw - Slytherin -