The AVA exists to remember the origins of the Allied Powers and the organizations started by The Founder to maintain peace and stability in the community. To fight against unjust Axis regimes, and to make ROBLOX and the WWII era a better place. Many of those who served in such groups have made memories and friendships that still last today. ------------------- You may join if you served in one of the following groups: Anette (2012), SHAEF (2013-14)+ any divisions within the system, RSSR 3rd Gen (2013-14), TGAA (2o15), USM (2o16-17), TWA (2o17-18), TWI (2o18), UFA (2018), TWP (2019), TGWA V1 (2O2O) TGWA V2 (2O21). ------------------- Those who have betrayed us recently and have spoken ill of these great works are not welcome into the AVA. Those who are sorry for such actions in the past are welcome to apply.