The New Sith Empire, also known as the Reconstituted Sith Empire, is an empire created in the aftermath of the Great Hyperspace War of 5000 BBY. The remnants of the original Sith Empire established a New Sith Empire in the galaxy's Unknown Regions. This Empire, was created after Sith survivors of Dark Lord of the Sith Naga Sadow's disastrous campaign against the Galactic Republic fled known space to escape persecution by the Republic and its Jedi Order. Led by the new Sith Lord the refugees wandered aimlessly through space in search of a new home. Twenty years after their departure from the original Empire's territory, the Sith discovered the forgotten world of Dromund Kaas and settled it to begin the process of rebuilding. Now after a thousand years the Sith Empire has invaded the galaxy to exact it's revenge on the unsuspecting Republic and Jedi Order...