Founded in 2019, Moonlit Memories is a clothing and game development project which aims to bring the East-Asian anthropomorphic style and fashion aesthetic to a global audience respectfully, so that everyone can participate in and appreciate the unique, diverse culture. 仲良くしてください ----- RULES 1) Be kind and respectful towards others. 2) Harassment and drama will not be tolerated under ANY circumstance. 3) Do not violate Roblox's ToS, or spam/scam other users. 4) NO SPAM 5) If you were kicked for breaking these rules, do not expect to be allowed back in. 6) No CSS convos ----- ROLES Pending: Please wait for a rank. Foxes: Normal member. Banland: Muted users. Wolves: Sponsors & supporters. Fluffy Foxes: Inner circle. Big Foxes: Admins & Moonlit Memories game developers. 幻の狐: Me. ----- MORE INFO Silly little clothing and fan group for Miss_Mina/KinbakuKitsune. This group is a work-in-progress, and has one game currently in development. Please wait warmly. Feel free to join!