IEOTHIUM’S SCP:F :: USAACO THIS GROUP IS NOT A CONVENTIONAL ARMY GROUP, IT IS AN SCP-BASED GROUP! After a tense deal between the SCP Foundation and US Army in 2024, Blackout was purchased off of the SCP Foundation under a strict declaration that anomalous research could not be used for war. Upon this deal being solidified, the US Army formed the United States Army Anomalous Containment Operations (USAACO), a collaboration of Army commands as well as a new division, the Army Research & Medical Command. Top engineers from around the world rebuilt and restructured Blackout between 2024-2025, enhancing safety and allowing for new, unseen anomalies to be held. Blackout is now the last bastion for contained anomalies, the USAACO's forward operating base off the coast of Texas. We are the backbone of leading anomalous research.