👋 Welcome to SliceChicken! 🐔 🔥 "This is what happiness tastes like!" 📌 About Us: Here at SliceChicken, We thrive off of community feedback and overall customer satisfaction, and it’s this distinct guest experience that makes SliceChicken truly stand out from other companies on ROBLOX. Since founding, we have revolutionized the restaurant industry! Join us today, We are always seeking new faces to join our staff team! 🎮 Hungry? Head down to our restaurant: Coming Soon! 📋 Seeking a career? Head down to our application center. Coming Soon! ⚠️ Disclaimer: If you attempt to steal or copy our name or assets it will result in a takedown and a report to ROBLOX. 👑 Owned by: YourPizzaDev Founded by: YourPizzaDev