PixelForge Playgrounds is a dynamic and innovative gaming company dedicated to crafting immersive, pixel-perfect gaming experiences. With a passion for creative game design and cutting-edge technology ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !ROLES! 1.) Supporters- join our dis and or buy one shirt 2.) Premium Supporters- buy 10+ shirts 3.) Allies- if you are affiliated with our group you will get put in Allies 4.) Buddies- if you and me are friends you get put in Buddies 5.) Developers- you make games for us and help with ideas for games. 6.) Designers- you make clothes for us and help with ideas for clothes. 7.) Manager- you will make sure the Developers and Designers are not doing anything shady. 8.) Head Manager- you are a co-owner and have all power in the our group. if you don't get a role plz let the owner know