🌈 Welcome to Cyan's Suits, the largest clothing-centered furry group on ROBLOX! We the LGBT community as well! 🌈 🐾 Cyan's Suits was founded 5/21/19 by Liam! 🐾 🌌 Icon: clawmaws 🌌 Ads: LunaFooxy 💙-💛-💙-💛-💙-💛 💎 To get ranked to Active Furry/Fan, buy 3+ full fursuits (shirt+pants) then ask on the group wall! 💎 💸 Members who donate 100+ R$ IN-GAME will be ranked to DONATOR if you ask on the group wall! 💸 💙-💛-💙-💛-💙-💛 📜RULES: 💖 - DO NOT ADVERTISE/promote anything on the group wall. 🧡 - BE RESPECTFUL and do not argue or flame with others. 💛 - DO NOT SPAM/post copypastas etc. on the group wall. 💚 - BE RESPECTFUL WHEN SUGGESTING and repeated suggestions will be discarded/deleted. 💙 - RESPECT ALL MODERATORS and do not argue with them. 💜 - DO NOT ASK FOR R/OBUX. 💙-💛-💙-💛-💙-💛 💫 We're glad you're here... enjoy your stay and have a great day! 💫 💕Also... check the "Social Links" to join our dxsc server! 💕 Furry Furry Furry Furry Furry Furry Furry