The Deathatar Family

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5 years ago
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This myth is officially closed for now although a ceremonial game may be made in the future in honor of present and past community members devoted to this myth. My thanks goes out to all those who have stuck with us thus far.
3 years ago


In 2019, the first version of the game "The Deathatar Manor" was born. Quite quickly, the Deathatar dynasty gained many members through recruitment methods associated with RMH. Members were recruited by Axel Deathatar aka Irynth who was the founding brethren of the myth. Axel and his siblings, Lachina and Rosaleen Deathatar dealt with many issues in maintaining stability in the family, along with other founding members of the family such as Joey, Fenma, and Nicholas Deathatar. Eventually, they were satisfied with their manor which would suffice to provide a roof and official primary game for the myth. Much later on, the Deathatar Manor was refurbished with the help of Noskur, who helped develop most of the game by remodeling it and remaking the map and the outlook of the manor. That was when the manor concept faded and changed to become "The Deathatar Household". Now, after all of the success the Deathatar family has earned, we are satisfied in our mission: to provide a home for you.


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