Europa’s Café “We work. You enjoy.” Instituted in 2019, Europa’s Café aspire to revolutionize the ROBLOX Restaurant Institution with their inspiring, highly trained Low Ranking staff members who are expected to set your satisfactory expectations as a reality. Europa’s Café is a cafe and restaurant franchise who endeavor for success and recognition, with hope to lend you an everlasting place in our community. Europa’s Café have been displaying inimitable perks and scenes since our first release date, taking a spot on one of the most uniquely built facility on ROBLOX. Founded on 5/31/19 by HappyBob2608, IceBlizzard10 and soulmty. Europa’s related news and matters can be found on these links. If you are in need of our communication platforms, go to “Social Links” below! Public Website - Designated in the Communications Server Quiz Center - Upcoming