Sarkic Cult

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5 years ago
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Sarkicism is a religious/philosophical system that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs, and spiritual practices largely based on teachings attributed to “Grand Karcist Ion”.

Proto-Sarkicism: Such sects display acute technophobia and eschew modernity, willing to go so far as to destroy or disable advanced

Neo-Sarkicism: Neo-Sarkites display no qualms with technology and may be found in heavily populated locations, their daily lives differing little from others of their culture and social status. For Neo-Sarkic cults, the proper moral purpose of one's life is the pursuit of one's own desires and the attainment of power.

Seal of Orok: A figure of reverence and supposed disciple of Ion. Associated with strength, war, violence, wilderness, hunting and, seemingly in contradiction, loyalty and revolt. Epithets include: the Horned Beast, the Brute Lord, and the Pale Hunter. Described as being of unnatural physical strength, Orok was the product of alchemical


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