Welcome to Frostin' Motto: "It's not a donut without Frostin'" Serving on Roblox to make sure our customers and staff get the premium service they deserve! Frostin' was founded by CodedJimmy 📞 Make sure to join our communications server to get the latest news on Frostin' the fastest! 📩 Want to work here? We currently do not have an application center, so you would need to be in the communications server and wait until we announce interviews. 🙋 I work here, how do I rank up? Although you can get promoted by attending trainings, to become an MR it is a requirement you do not have safe chat and you must as well prove you are a hard worker and active! Remember to never ask for a promotion or it may result in a worse situation for you! Frostin' is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the T:Riza Corporation