Hello Welcome To ClockWork Studios. How to Become a Admin/Moderator: Make a Ticket from our Dissy , How to be Famous Developer: You must have 1m visits or more How to be Rich: you must have 100k or more This group is about making Amazing Games So Please Enjoy, How to be Donated Member: You must buy the 5k shirt This Group Is For Fun Scary And Enjoying Games Hope You Have Fun How to be Inviter: Invite 50 members or more and too know please show proof of invited in dissy this role gives you the abilty to see audit logs! Owner: Sir_McRich Founder:Case Rules 1. No Spamming/Adverstising Unless You get Perms by Hr or higher 2. No Asking For Ranks Or Robux 3. You Must Be Respectful 4. NO #### i dont know why i put this in but i know some 13 year old would just add #### 5. RESPECT ADMIN MODERATORS AND HIGHER RANKS 6. No Exploiting/Hacking Unless it's harmless like Vr Script's