---SCP FOUNDATION--- -DESCRIPTION- The SCP Foundation (Special Containment Procedures Foundation) is a world-wide organization approved by several governments throughout the world in order to contain dangerous and sur-natural anomalies. Classified Personnel are used by researchers to study the behaviors of these anomalies. Unfortunately, these creatures will sometimes attempt to escape their containment, often causing chaos and death. Combatants will be deployed to re-contain these. Some un-official groups attempt to breach the SCPs for their own profits, making the foundation job's even more difficult. What will you do? -ABOUT US- Creation Date : December 2019, date unknown. Owner And Founder : ThomasSRD (a.k.a ShortenedWire) Current Game(s) : AREA-045 Server Code : BQbb5KHK9z Special Thanks To : All of you. Everyone who has helped this group grow slowly but surely. Those who have made hundreds of hours of fun. Thank you. Description Creator : Board Administrator