The Knights Templar was a large organization of devout ######### during the medieval era who carried out an important mission: to protect European travelers visiting sites in the Holy Land while also carrying out military operations. A wealthy, powerful and mysterious order that has fascinated historians and the public for centuries, tales of the Knights Templar, their financial acumen, their military prowess and their work on behalf of Christ during the Crusades still circulate throughout modern culture. Community related: N/A How to Join: Click the group link next to the name of the game. Join the group, and rejoin the game. Click the Templar team and enjoy!! How to join events: Join our communication server to be updated when the latest Tryout or Training is. Castle Acre is a unique 11th century strict military like game. Where by attending trainings and tryouts you can rank your way up in the Templar Order. qGJ4Pe9rD2